Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Double Take

These amazing oil paintings by Ukrainian artist Oleg Shuplyak show remarkable double images hiding behind dramatic scenes and tranquil landscapes.

Through carefully placed objects, characters, colouring and shadows, a second image is cleverly concealed within the first. Can you spot them?

Leafing you in disbeleaf: Two birds, two very different techniques in creating them.

Evolving picture: On The Origin Of Species author Charles Darwin is formed using a brick archway, a country scene, a lady reading and a mysterious cloaked figure.

Double Dutch: This painting shows two portraits of post-impressionist Vincent Van Gogh, one of which is used to create the nose of the main image.
Mind games: This painting, titled Voyeur, shows Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, peering over a lake.

Historical references: Marauding Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible comes through in this violent scene.

Oleg Shupiyak Self-Portrait.
Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, the fourth and last generalissimo of the Russian Empire who died in 1800.

Imagine: Beatles legend John Lennon emerges through this clever montage of images by Ukrainian artist Oleg Shuplyak.

Here's looking at you, kid: Surrealist Salvador Dali, a fan of optical illusions himself, has now become one.


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